Robert F. Baird and J. Hobson Price to James F. Robinson
To His Excellency James F. Robinson Governor of the Commonwealth of Kentucky—
At a late Term of the Jefferson Circuit Court Caroline a woman of color was arraigned tried and convicted on a charge of murder and sentenced to be hung. She is to receive at the hands of the officer the extreme penalty of the law on Friday next. Her time on earth is short indeed. She has as yet made no confession of her guilt: but has under every circumstance and at all times maintained the same imperturbable adherence to the protestations of her innocence—
Caroline is a fugitive slave from the South "a contraband." She is ignorant—wholly uneducated. She made her appearance in this City last fall, was arrested by a police officer and placed in the care of a Mr. Levi as a servant. An infant of Mr. Levi, that Caroline was tenderly nursing was seized with convulsions and died. On analysis, Strychnine was found in the stomach of the child. Caroline was accused of poisoning and found guilty by a Jury of her country.
For the purposes of this
Application it is ^not^ necessary to detail facts that might indicate the guilt or innocence of the prisoner—We will however aver that the evidence was wholly and entirely circumstantial.
The Rev. Mr. McKee of this City, and the Rev. Mr. Adams (of color) also of this city, the spiritual advisors of this woman are not satisfied as to the conditions of her soul. They ask that she may have further time to reflect, And if guilty, to repent of this great sin. "For the Redemption of the soul is precious and it ceaseth forever." They pray that she may have a few more days, weeks, or months to prepare to meet her God, if her fate be inevitable.
We the undersigned therefore, as the counsel of the prisoner appointed by the court on her behalf do ask, And most earnestly pray your Excellency to grant to this most unfortunate of all human beings a brief respite from the dreadful sentence, till such time
as your Excellency's experienced wisdom shall deem commendable—
R. F. Baird
J. H. Price
Louisville, Wednesday, August 12th 1863
Louisville Aug 12th 1863
To His Excellency
Gov Robinson
Dear Sir—
From the representations made to me by the Rev Mr McKee as to the condition of "Caroline" I deem it entirely appropriate that your excellency should extend the time as to her case
J R Dupuy
Com' atty
For the reasons above indicated I hope the respite will be granted.
To His Excellency
Gov. Robinson
Dear Sir
I was not in possession of information relative to Caroline until last week—have visited her regularly since—find her deplorably ignorant and anxious to know the way of life—hope you may extend her time.
Yours very respectfully John L. McKee
Pastor of Chest Presbyterian Church
Jefferson Cir. Ct
(woman of color)
A Respite is granted until Friday the 11th day of September 1863 when the sentence hereby respited will be executed
J F Robinson
Issd Aug 13. 1863
A Respite is granted until friday 2d october 1863 when sentence hereby respited will be executed
I have been visiting Caroline almost since her conviction—I endorse the statements made in petition & unite with Mr. McKee in his request.
Very Respectfully
Henry Adams
To Govr Robinson
Pastor of Fifth St. Baptist Church.