Browse Exhibits (2 total)

Networking Caroline
Who were the actors in a young woman's trial for her life? What can the connections between and among them reveal about race, gender, policing, and politics Civil War-era Louisville?
These are the historical questions explored in this exhibit. But "Networking Caroline" is also a preview of the future of the Civil War Governors project and this website. Civil War Governors has recieved funding from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission to build and populate a network of identified entities found in its documents -- to link people, organizations, places, and geographical features.
These eleven documents contain 133 links to 65 unique entities, an average of twelve per document. In turn, researching those 65 people, organizations, and places generated "stub" links to an additional 160 secondary entities. These secondary entities -- spouses and children, businesses operated, offices held, and colleges attended by the people involved in Caroline's story -- help us situate this human story in social and geographical space.
This exhibit works in collaboration with The Caroline Chronicles Classroom Experience and the "Caroline" episode of the Long Story Short podcast. For more information on teaching The Caroline Chronicles in your classroom, click here.
Subject Guides
What is there to learn from Civil War Kentucky? Browse excerpts from Civil War Governors documents to see the diversity of topics, themes, and voices contained in this unique collection.
Whether starting a new project or expanding a current one, Civil War Governors subject guides are your introduction to this platform, geographically and chronologically at the heart of U.S. history writing and teaching.