Raymond Lynch, Affidavit
against } Affidavit of Raymon Lynch
Caroline, charged with the murder of Blanche Levy child of Willis & Annie Levy
Raymon Lynch states on oath that he lives next door to Willis Levy & an is his brother in Law. Levy & himself having married sister's.
I have been in the Louisville Journal office since 1836. I was foreman of the office for ten years, & since 1859 I have been chief clerk in the counting room,
I leave home early every morning & do not return untill night, Sundays excepted.
All I know about Mr Levy throwing out poison I learnt from my wife who has already given an affidavit in this case. I have no hesitancy in stating that the facts sworn to by my wife are true I did have a dog poisoned by Mr Willis Levy
Raymond Lynch.
State of Ky Jefferson Co
Personally appeared before me Raymond Lynch who made oath that the above affadavit
Signed by him in my presence was true
Given under my hand and Seal Notorial this 19th Septr 1863
Jno H Talbott
Notary Public for Jefferson County