Jefferson Circuit Court
Foundation: 1850
Dissolution: Unknown
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Information: Part of the Seventh Judicial District of Kentucky. Serves Jefferson County, Kentucky, with courthouse at Louisville.
Judges: Peter B. Muir, George W. Johnston
Commonwealth's Attorneys: Edwin S. Craig, James R. Dupuy
Clerks: James P. Chambers
Citation: Henry Tanner, pub., Tanner’s Louisville Directory, and Business Advertiser for 1861 (Louisville: Directory Publication and Advertising Agency, 1861), 323-324; J. D. Campbell, pub., J. D. Campbell’s Louisville Business Directory for 1864 (Louisville: L. A. Civill, Publisher, Bookseller, Printer and Bookbinder, 1864), 70; Edwards, Greenough, & Deved, pub., Edwards’ Annual Director to the Inhabitants, Institutions, Incorporated Companies, Manufacturing Establishments, Business Firms, Etc., Etc., in the City of Louisville for 1865-6 (Louisville: Maxwell & Co., 1866), 155; “Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 10, 1861,” in 1862 Kentucky Documents, Legislative Document No. 1. (Frankfort, Ky.: Jno. B. Major, State Printer, 1862), 303-308; “Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 10, 1862,” in 1863 Kentucky Documents, Legislative Document No. 24. (Frankfort, Ky.: Wm. E. Hughes, State Printer, 1863), 298-306; “Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 10, 1863,” in 1864 Kentucky Documents, Legislative Document No. 10. (Frankfort, Ky.: Wm. E. Hughes, State Printer, 1864), 301-306; “Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 10, 1865,” in 1865/66 Kentucky Documents, Legislative Document No. 1. (Frankfort, Ky.: George D. Prentice, State Printer, 1866), 9-12; “Annual Report of the Auditor of Public Accounts of the State of Kentucky, for the Fiscal Year Ending October 10, 1866,” in 1866 Kentucky Documents, Legislative Document No. 1. (Frankfort, Ky.: John H. Harney, Public Printer, 1866), 347-350.