C. W. Foster, Special Orders, No. 42

Accession Number


Document Genre



Kentucky Department of Military Affairs


Union Artillery, Navy and Marines Primary Source Documents ; Misc U.S.C.T. Primary Source Documents

Item Location

Box 14, Folder BTRY B, 2nd Battery, 1st REGT LIGHT ARTILLERY OFFICERS

Place of Creation

Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio

Date of Creation

22 January 1863

Dates Mentioned

C. W. Foster, Special Orders, No. 42,  22 January 1863,  Union Artillery, Navy and Marines Primary Source Documents ; Misc U.S.C.T. Primary Source Documents,  Box 14, Folder BTRY B, 2nd Battery, 1st REGT LIGHT ARTILLERY OFFICERS,  Kentucky Department of Military Affairs,  Frankfort,  KY.  Accessed via the Civil War Governors of Kentucky Digital Documentary Edition, discovery.civilwargovernors.org/document/KYR-0002-038-0019, (accessed March 16, 2025).