James H. Jacobs, Receipt to R. P. Hyrne

Accession Number


Document Genre



Kentucky Department of Military Affairs


Misc. QM Expenditures, 1863-1865

Item Location

QMG Box 10; Folder 1865 Horse Settlements, Salaries, Ins. Bureau, Gen. Receipts, Correspondence Regarding Troops; Right Stack

Place of Creation

Grayson, Carter County, Kentucky

Date of Creation

15 May 1864

Dates Mentioned

James H. Jacobs, Receipt to R. P. Hyrne,  15 May 1864,  Misc. QM Expenditures, 1863-1865,  QMG Box 10; Folder 1865 Horse Settlements, Salaries, Ins. Bureau, Gen. Receipts, Correspondence Regarding Troops; Right Stack,  Kentucky Department of Military Affairs,  Frankfort,  KY.  Accessed via the Civil War Governors of Kentucky Digital Documentary Edition, discovery.civilwargovernors.org/document/KYR-0002-222-0133, (accessed March 15, 2025).